SoWork Marketing Website

The SoWork marketing website was a fun project that went all the way from napkin sketches and Figma designs to assisting the development team with and Next.js implementation, styling React components, setting up Bootstrap and more.

I would later return to the project to help implement Tailwind CSS, develop new React components and webpages, write case study articles, create new visual assets, and help storyboard and optimize video content.

Cover image for SoWork Marketing Website

Starting Out

The main goal of the SoWork marketing website redesign was and is
to drive acquisition in a more simple and consistent manner. To achieve this we created several personas for different ideal customer profile types and created content aimed at those unique users. We also simplified our branding and color palettes during this time.

One of the tenants in designing this was focusing on the human-based psychology principle of constraint, our old website served up a lot of secondary content that wasn't relative to acquisition and we felt like those user journeys would take the customer off course from the needs of the business.

Homepage Designs (Below the fold)

SoWork offers a lot of value propositions and to bolster our product value we leaned into social proofing with a set of unique badges I created in Photoshop which reflect our product review scores on G2.

Underneath the social proofing we enter content carousels that house assets, text, and optionable Calls to Action. Each carousel container gets its data set from the Sanity CMS so that the SoWork team can swap content in and out on the fly.

An image of review badges created for social proofing

Customer Success Stories and Chat

Underneath the carousels I designed and developed a few slider cards that would serve as customer success stories, blog posts, product announcements, and more. Much of this content is in delivered in short-form video to really showcase the benefit of the platform to users and to show them problems that SoWork can solve. It was fun storyboarding all these videos with user research and cross-functional team brainstorming.

Last, we integrated a chat widget (Intercom) into the website so customers could directly reach out to SoWork's customers service team and talk to someone directly and immediately.

Slider cards

Pricing Designs

SoWork offers three pricing tiers so I designed options in a classic "card-style" with a toggle to see annual savings against monthly cost. It was always a blast to collaborate with the art team to see what we could do to enhance our website components with the unique art style of the product and an animation of the product mascot sitting on the container waving is just one example of such flair found across the live website.

Card design for SoWork Pricing
Project Process
Meetings with Leadership, Design, and Product
Meetings with Leadership, Design, and Product
Determine website goals, budget, and scope.
Figma Designs
Figma Designs
Wireframing and hi-fi designs for desktop, tablet, and mobile
Branding, Messaging, and Color
Branding, Messaging, and Color
SoWork wanted a new color palette for branding so we experimented with several schemes before landing on cooler softer colors.
Hire External Development Team
Hire External Development Team
Our SoWork Developers were busy working on the SoWork platform itself so I conducted interviews with 3rd party development companies interested in the project.
Project Manager & Assist Development Team
Project Manager & Assist Development Team
Collaborate with third-party developer. Create, edit, and style React components and the website. Iterate on designs as needed.
Drink a Cocktail
Drink a Cocktail
Ok, next project!